Lately, every time I am thinking something or explaining it to my husband, I have a hard time selling him on my ideas, because he doesn't read about disciplining the kids and I just get these messages from my heart. I don't have proof...well, lately, I somehow find something written that seems similar to what I am saying and thinking...I have been trying to explain this concept to my husband and to myself about discipline...that our kids need discipline if they are hurting another or being mean. If they are being sad, or crying or feeling left out or angry on their own, and they have a "tantrum" they need LOVE. I have said, it's hard to give love when they are screaming and yelling and inconsolable, but this is when they need it most. I believe when they cry and yell and act irrational...
!!!!! WAIT, I have to pause, Isabella is right now having a tantrum!!!! How ironic, I am typing about it and it's happening!!! Ok, I'm back...
So I was saying that when they get crazy they need love, they need us to teach them how to calm down, breathe, and relax and explain what they are feeling. I have been sitting with Isabella during her "tantrums" and hugging her, talking to her, or just petting her legs, til she calms down. I have called this a "LOVE TIME OUT" I tell her that her heart needs love and when she freaks out like this it is not good for her body. She shakes, yells, screams, cries, etc. She can't calm down. I have always felt it's my job to help her learn. I tell her to breathe, take a few breaths, I call them Yoga Breaths, and try to calm down. Try to tell me what's upsetting her and see how we can create a solution together. I am grateful that I can be home with my girls and have the time to teach them and learn from them. It does take an enormous amount of time and patience. Sometimes, it doesn't help but I sing to her to distract her...not something beautiful, I sing a hit from the 70' goes like this...AAHH FREAKOUT, YEAH, SHE'S A SUPERFREAK, SHE'S SUPERFREAKY....I know this is not appreciated, but sometimes it makes her laugh.
Anyway, today, and everyday I am expanding my world of knowledge and found this article talking about this very thing:
It may not be for everyone, but it was great for me to hear that someone else has found this method to be beneficial for their family.
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