I got the best surprise of my life last Wed at 11pm...my best friend in the entire world's brother, Abe, asked if he could stop by for a minute on his way to a business meeting. (He was driving up the night before the meeting to stay over for the morning meeting.) I said ok, but was a bit annoyed and tired at this hour. I had just got the girls to bed, Isabella was still up in her bed, but I was relaxing and only had my feet up for 2 minutes, when Abe said I'll be there in 5 minutes! I said, FINE!! He came by, Alan let him in, he came up to get me then forced us to come out to his car...I was complaining all the way, "why do we have to come out..." Well, he asked me to open the front passenger door and out jumped Karla and Imari all the way from Chicago! I was so stunned, I didn't know what to do. I'm happy I didn't faint or pee, but I was so happy I couldn't even breathe or speak for few minutes! I immediately said, "I normally don't love surprises, but I LOVE this one!" I didn't even totally realize how much I needed to see Karla at that time. She is an amazing wonderful influence in my life, she is part of my heart and I adore her and really needed to see her and there she was. I told Alan to immediately go get Isabella and she was shocked too! I said, "Mommy had no idea they were coming, it was all a big surpirse." Anyway, we had such an amazing time...almost a week together. I haven't laughed so much in a long time. We hugged and kissed every chance we got...we were like a "couple" but we didn't care! We are so in love as friends! I feel renewed and will continue put my intentions on the fact that Karla must live here! She wants to move here just as badly as well all want them here. Karla and I have been best friends since high school/beauty school. We have had our moments like any friendship has ups and downs, but we had a really big falling/fight out right before Alan's and my wedding. We "broke" up for 3 months...it was a misunderstanding and a fight that took place 2300 miles apart from each other, but nonetheless, it seemed that our friendship could be over forever. After 3 long months, Karla called me and I don't exactly remember the details, but we made up and I can say looking back, whatever it was we thought we were so upset about, it would have been a shame to lose such an amazing friendship. We are mommies now and wives and still best friends and we have an energy around us when we're together that can take over the world! I am so so grateful everyday for our friendship and sisterhood with this woman who is like my fraternal twin...we are the same in so many ways yet a bit different too! Also, I thought of how I felt about Abe, I was so tired from my day, and never, which I am not proud of, thought that something amazing could be happening, I was just thinking why is he here! He is so annoying!!! I am so grateful that he brought Karla and Imari and Giancarlo to us! I am sad that didn't seem more appreciative at the time but I was so confused as to why he was so pushy! :)
We had so much fun, we stayed up late every night we were together, even Giancarlo and Isabella stayed up late. We wanted to take in every second we had together. Our girls, Isabella and Gabrielle were in heaven and has so much fun with Aunty Karla and Imari (Gabi called her, "I") and Giancarlo. Alan came almost everywhere with us...he is amazing! When they showed up we said there are very few people you would be willing to stop the world for, blow up mattresses and open your home fully to! Friends like this are hard to come by. I can't wait to see them all again really soon. I am proud that we have kept this relationship going for 18 years now and the last 14 years have been via long distance. We talk almost everyday and always always think of each other!