Just 1 month shy of our daughter, Isabella Sara turning 4 1/2, she was finally ready to POOP IN THE TOILET! I just said the same things I always said to encourage her, like, "today's the day, are you ready??" She responded with, "no not today, I'll tell you when I'm ready, Please hurry get me a pull up!" Or, Mom, I'll be ready soon...I would say, when is soon, she said you know soon! Then she would proceed to hide somewhere, like a corner, or our pantry in the kitchen and say this, "MOm stop talking please, i can't concentrate! hmmm, i said, if you are saying things like concentrate, shouldn't you be ready to poop on the toilet????" Everyone asked if she was pooping in the toilet yet, I did even resort to bribery...we'd say, Bella, we'll get you a Barbie Jeep, and she would say, no thank you, I'm not ready...I have to admit, I didn't even bribe with candy like many moms and a lot of parenting books suggest...I just thought, when she's ready, she'll do it.
So this weekend, I was changing her pullup with poopies and she was so big, I just thought I'd suggest one more time..I said, "Bella, I just know you're ready to poop in toilet, I know it's scary, but you are so brave and I really believe you're ready...what do you think??" She said, "really Mom, you think so?" And the next day we took off her pullup and she did it! She was finally READY...I asked her, "so are you going to want the Barbie Jeep, she said, "No Mom, I just pooped in the toilet, let's not talk about it." Case closed...she has pooped in it since, but let's me know she is a bit scared though each time still. I can tell you this, they don't do anything until they are ready! So why worry? Just be patient...they all learn.