This Halloween we, a.k.a. The Balodi Family, created their 2nd family produced Flash Web Game, Which Way, Witch? This was a joint creation by Alan (Daddy), Tina (Mommy), Isabella Sara, and Gabrielle Alexa. Everyone was involved in different ways. Daddy created the character, all the graphics and the music, and programmed the game.
Mommy named the character, wrote the story and created the title.
We had so much fun, Isabella and Gabrielle each created their own
graphics using Daddy's drawing Pad. Their creations were on the
computer so Daddy was able to insert them into the game when he was
ready. This is such a wonderful experience to share in the fun! Try the game out! It's not as easy as it looks, well if you're over the age of 8, it's harder LOL :) Enjoy!
PLAY NOW...Which Way, Witch?
Isabella Sara's art work Age 8 |
Gabrielle Alexa's art work Age 6 |