So we took our kiddies to the zoo...paid to get in to visit the animals and see all the holiday decorations just like everyone else...Then the next morning, my 5 1/2 year old self proclaimed vegetarian says to me, "Momma, do people eat meat at the zoo?" and I said, "Well, yes, they do, they serve, chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs..." she gasped, "THEY DO! SO THEY SHOW YOU THE ANIMALS AND THEN YOU EAT THEM? THAT'S CRAZY!" I was so shocked by her question and the fact that she was analyzing our visit. My husband didn't think too much, he just enjoyed his churros...but she was still thinking the next day why would people pay to get in somewhere see animals, then eat animals! All kids grow up watching animals personified whether it be Madagascar or Disney characters, etc...so she has a very strong feeling towards not eating Alex, or Mickey, or Minnie, or Olivia! I'm telling you, I have never loved eating any types of meat, but she said to us last year as we scarfed down a huge delicious Italian Beef from our favorite restaurant, Portillo's, "Daddy, is that a DEAD animal in your mouth?" he replied as best as he could, "No baby, that's just Italian Beef!" HAHAHAHA Anyway, made us think a bit and we haven't eaten meat or chicken in almost 6 months!!