Then, I found out that pacifiers, like other bottles, nipples, plastics, contained a chemical called BPA...bisphenol A...not safe for anyone. You can decide for yourself and read about it here and other chemicals to avoid: http://healthychild.org/5steps/5_steps_5/?gclid=CMmTlZnxgZcCFQhJagodEjs0Yw#safety_checklist
So I went online and ordered BPA and phatlate free pacifiers for Isabella.
Ok, so about 3 weeks ago, Gabi decided that she loved Isabella's pacifier with a duck on it...the pink one. She quickly named it, "my duck duck my." After we laughed, we knew it wasn't a new chinese dinner, and we decoded what she was calling it, it was stuck to her like glue! All of a sudden, all day, she was like "where's my duck duck my." Ok, so maybe it's the chemical free plastic, but both Isabella and Gabi broke through the plastic and I ended up throwing almost all the pacifiers out. Isabella even helped me...later that night, we fished one out, yes from the trash and sterilized one that was not "truly" broken yet because she couldn't sleep. Again, we cold turkey stopped Gabi's use, but Bella was a harder habit to break.
Well, last night was a new experience for me...I had to throw away our last and final PAP! It was so hard on her and me...I let her sleep in our room, I just laid with her, held her, pet her, played with her hair...I told her it's ok to be sad and she can cry if she feels like it (not sure this wasn't a mistake, out came the tears) I told her that we were grateful for all the times Pap made us feel better and took away our pain and made her feel safe. We loved Pap and would always remember him/her. We appreciated that instead I bought her a Barbie she wanted and she said, "Mom, I'd trade all my toys if I can have my pap back." She was going through withdrawal. I cried with her (silently) and sung to her...Maybe she was crying from my singing or the pap, we'll never know, but she did finally fall asleep...she is still sleeping...it was a late night, but as I sit next to her my hope and my dream is that I can comfort her anytime she needs me to and always help her move forward to the next phase in life. :) Did I mention it's 10:44am! She is a great sleeper!!!!! And she slept all night without her friend, PAP!
TODAY WAS HARD! Hard for me, Hard for Isabella! So we decided to make "PAP" a Goodbye We LOVE You cake! it came out adorable and most of all, distracted Bella from her sadness and fear of not having the pap.

TONIGHT WAS HARDER! Isabella finally went to sleep sometime before 1am, crying, asking for her Pap, saying, "Mommy, I'm so sad, what should I do?" breaking my heart...and keeping me up :) Then finally she fell asleep and I thought we're in the clear. No such luck, she woke up at 4am saying the exact same thing and asking for her friend and is still currently up for the day...I assume she'll nap later, maybe, but now I get to stay up! Boy, I miss PAP.
P.S. For anyone who is still using a Pap or starts to use one you need to search online for BPA FREE pacifiers, bottles, etc., this is a brand you can look for...
Evenflo Mimi Soft Touch pacifiers are BPA free and come in a two pack.